1. Create a Trainingpeaks account

  • Create a customer account at www.trainingpeaks.com
  • Click on "Start now" under "Do it yourself"
  • At the top of the line where the TP logo is visible, click on the header symbol next to the bell and then "Settings"
  • Enter at least your date of birth.
  • On the right-hand side, please upload a photo of yourself
  • Click on "Zones" on the left-hand side
  • If known, enter your maximum heart rate and your resting heart rate in the corresponding fields
  • Also enter your threshold heart rate under "Treshold". If you are not sure, calculate max heart rate x 0.88
  • Scroll down further to "Power" If you have already trained with watts, enter your FTP value here. If you are not sure, estimate this value. It is the wattage you can maintain on average for one hour - at maximum effort.
  • Click on "Save and Close" at the bottom right
  • Click on "Connect Apps & Devices" on "Connect"
  • Click on the corresponding logo of the brand of your bike computer (e.g. Garmin)
  • If Garmin, click on "CONNECT and SYNC" under Garmin Connect
  • Enter your e-mail address and the password with which you are registered on Garmin Connect
  • Click on "save" and then on "agree" Of course, you can also link other platforms in this way
  • Now select "metric" in the top field under "Tresholds", enter your birthday under Birthdate and your weight further down and click on save
  • Now you can also download the Trainingpeaks app for your smartphone.
  • Click on the following link to connect to our coaches account: https://home.trainingpeaks.com/attachtocoach?sharedKey=45Y2EWBIYIFCE



2. Fill the form

3. That we coaches can work optimally, you should do the following after EVERY training session

  • Upload workouts manually or synchronize the bike computer with the APP immediately after the workout
  • Comment on training if necessary (e.g. always state the reason for changing your plan)
  • Rate perceived exertion on a scale of 1-10 (for interval training, only rate intervals)
  • Rate body sensation by clicking on emoji (How strong did you feel?)

4. study the RPE scale

  • With the help of this RPE scale, you can better assess the perceived exertion

5. Read the PDF "Important instructions on training" carefully


Important instructions for training.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 286.8 KB